Dear Patient’s


I hope you are all having a wonderful Summer. I know so many of you are on incredible adventurous trips with your families and friends which I will enjoy hearing about on your return.

Send photos if you are traveling!!!

Summer gives me an opportunity to slow down and attend to house keeping with regards to the practice, which I love because it gives me a moment of “pause”, and in this moment of pause, I’ve written my first poem ever, Yea, I said it correctly “poem”.

I sat down one Saturday morning with my summer quietness and this literally spewed out of me in minutes.

I’ve had a lot of reflection over the last couple of years and I would even say I’ve taken a Sledgehammer to my life, in a great way.

During this reflection I have thought long and hard about what was working for me and what was not. What was mine to deal with and what was not. What was time to let go of and what was worth fighting for. Some of this was incredibly difficult and some was incredibly liberating. There was so much light but there was some dark as well. Don’t skip the dark!! that’s where the good stuff is hiding. I would say, lean into all of it, i’ll say it again don’t skip the dark, it’s not easy but I promise leaning into it will lead to the light. Light is always brighter.

I sat down to write and it orginally was going to be about one specific person ( No it’s not who you are thinking :)) ) but the moment I wrote the first line, I was literally struck by a bolt of lighting…. I had this massive realization that this is not about one person but every person in my life that has play a major role in the shaping of my life to this point and my role in my life to this point. I was totally struck with the feeling of “GRATITUDE”. Gratitude for all of it, the good, the bad the ugly, all of it as gratitude. It was completely balanced in that moment. One feeling did not have more power or weight or emotion than the other. What else I realized in that moment is that all these dualities that we experience and are human created, the good, the bad, right, wrong, left, right, black, white they are just extremes and there is no peace there. The only place I believe peace exists is in balance and I believe that’s in the middle somewhere.

I can hear you asking the question….. are you always balanced… Hell NO!! but I can say I’ve gotten a taste of what it’s like and man that is one sweet spot. All I can say the feeling of Peace is addictive and I do strive to get a taste of it every day.

I will share the poem at the end but as luck would have it and it’s really all just synchronicity, while on retreat in San Diego I met a wonderful human who is creating a wellness based platform that provides personalized insights and recommendations through text message based gratitude journal ( his techie words, not mine).

If you are like me and in the past I will have bought a beautiful gratitude journal and honestly I did it for 4 or 5 days and now I have a stack of awesome gratitude journals with only the first 4 or 5 pages filled in in each one. Ridiculous Right!!!

His creation is Genius and it’s called SOUL.

It’s this incredible idea where you only use your phone number, so you don’t have to download an app and sign your life away and all your personal data….cos they don’t take or use any of it.

Then spontaneously you get a prompt. It’s like getting a text from your best friend…It’s very positive as it should be and I found my self laughing and feeling upbeat and quiet honestly excited with anticipation to see what the random text was going to be.

You can opt in to AI, but think of it as really friendly AI. Kinda like a cute robot, like that robot in the movie Robot and Frank…. Ok I know the robot robs a bank but he is so cute and I am totally in favor of Butler Robots, anyway you can opt in or out of AI.

If you opt in with AI it will analyze your answers and give you insight and recommendations, and in the AI portion all information is deleted every 30 days.

Here is the link to “Soul” and Sohale Sizar ( the founder) has offered everyone a free 30 day trial. Just use the word THEWORD

Have fun!!


Once you are there you can use the settings in the dashboard to your preference. I didn’t set any preference and this works for me. In my life right now I have certain things that have to be scheduled but if they don’t have to be scheduled I am choosing to “ just go with it”. I know that this is a luxury and I am once again so grateful for this time. I love the spontaneity, I love the freedom and I love the excitement of the unknown and to be honest more excited for the unknown than the known.

I love being awake to the synchronicities, to looking for the Omens, deciding to act on them or not with the feeling it will be what it will be, until it is what it is.

For me I now know life to be a game. It’s not wining or losing the game that matters, It’s knowing that it’s a game and am I playing? Am I playing to win or am I playing to not lose……



Thank you for the Journey.

Thank you for the Mirror.

Thank you for showing me my Limitations.

Thank you for the Space the Isolation the feeling of abandonment, the safe space to explore and the Holding space.

Thank you for allowing me to heal and delve into the pain my pain.

Thank you, you will never know how much you helped me heal.

I am forever grateful; I am forever grateful that all these past lifetimes are healed.


Thank you for showing up in this lifetime.

Thank you for answering the call of destiny, I could not have done this without you.

Thank you for the FastTrack Lane.

Thank you for pushing me into the FastTrack Lane and weaving me back into it every time I wanted to go back to the known pattern.  The so-called comfortable pattern.

It’s only comfortable because it is Known.


I am starting to like this Fast Track Lane.

I am liking the Straights, where you get to go Fast, it’s the sharp turns that are still a little wobbly.

I am getting used to them though, it’s only when I get a little unsure of myself and If I am going to end up in the grass and Sabotage Myself.

I am getting used to taking my foot of the Gas to steady the Wheel, looking around, seeing the Triggers, taking a deep breath and doing something different.

I am getting used of looking for the Cherries and the Stars grabbing them where I can.

I am getting used of stepping on the stepping stones that bring you up to the free levels.

These are the Keys to the Fast Track Lane.


                               Thank you for the Fast Track Lane.

I am getting comfortable in it.

Sometimes it is a little lonely but that’s why it’s fast, there are not a lot of others on it.

Sometimes it’s a little scary, sometimes it’s a little hard but its Open Road with a few Pit Stops.


The Pit Stops are where you meet other people driving Similar Fast Cars, but we are surrounded by a Pit Crew that ensures we are refueled and our car’s are in tip top shape, so we can experience the Fast Track lane and be Safe.

Thank you Pit Crew.


Thank You.  My hope for you is that you find your own Fast Track Lane.


The Finish Line is just a waving Flag with a horn blowing, GAME OVER!


Thank you for Fast Tracking me back to the unconditional Love of Myself.


I am grateful for you.

A few last thoughts on the poem…..

I have laughed many times at the poem because it reminds me a little of that

“ Carly Simon song: Your so Vain. You know the one that had all the speculation that it was Warren Beatty she was singing about”.

Well I’ve wondered if the main characters in my life are wondering where they fall with the good, the bad and the ugly but more importantly I have wondered where I fall in other peoples lives with regards to the good the bad and the ugly…. wink, wink, remember don’t shy away from the dark, it’s where the juice is…

Have a wonderful day and rest of the summer!! See you all soon refreshed and ready to skip into fall.

Take care of yourselves and take care of each other.
