Introducing: Newsletters

Well Covid-19 has dragged me into the 21st Century. I am finally doing an email list to keep in contact with you….

I have been using the Paperless Post for updates since March 16th to keep in contact and I think I have milked that for what its worth.

This list has formed over 20 years of practice and some of you might not even know who I am, or how the blazes you got on my database.

I will mainly use this email as a way to keep contact with Patients past and present. To update you about information that comes on my radar especially about SARS COv 2 .

This is mainly more to answer the questions that I get from people and I am finding if one person has a question many people have the same question. 

Once we are through this it will be mainly just to keep contact and I promise I will not inundate you with posts.

If for some reason you are on this list and you would not like to hear from me (everyone has a soap box these days)  I will truly not take offense.

If that is the case or if you have multiple emails registered I have made the unsubscribe button available below my address at the bottom of this page so you don’t have to spend ages trying to find it.  That is truly one of my pet peeves.  

I heard a great quote today “  Human beings are social, we are useless alone and remarkable together”

Be safe, take care of yourself and take care of others…..

Talk soon 
