Implementing a Few Extra Precautions:

I’m not a pessimist, I am definitely and optimist but also a realist.  I’m not say this to frighten people, its more to give people a sense of direction and a plan.  Our reality has changed and it will probably be like this for at least 18 months .  Most of the medical profession agrees.  

These new terms, Social distancing, Mask wear, Washing your hands they are front and center now.  We have to embrace them as our reality for the moment and view them as TOOL’S  that help us function and still remain part of society.  We have done a great job in CA to this point, We got with the program quickly and for the most part people have really complied.  I tend to not see the people who are not complying and look at all the people who are, as the collective good. The so called renegades, don’t waste you energy on them, they are going to do what they are going to do.  Its just not “Service” to others but they have to figure that out.

I closed the clinic on the evening of April 16th.  I know you know that I am one of those business that was not required to close as I am regarded as a Primary physician with essential health services.

After much of a moving target feeling that day as everything was happening so rapidly I decided to close.

I had to make that decision because I was concerned if one of my patients had it and we did not know, or if I had it and I did not know.  I needed a clear base line again for safety.  The clinic is always operated under the concept, what we call in Chinese Medicine "clean needle technique”  This is the concept that I believe ALL patients are either caring a blood borne illness or a illness that can be transferred to myself or others through blood, saliva, sweat, or body fluids. This is the baseline for hygiene and therefore persecutions are always taken as if this is the norm. 

For every interaction with a patient I wash my hands  at least 5 times and then in the treatment room I use hand sanitizer multiple times.  I actually hate the hand sanitizer so I wash that off straight away. 

I'm going to implement a few extra precautions and just embrace them. 

Please wear a mask before entering the building.  Also just so you know the Mask should cover the nose and mouth, you see so many people with it just covering their mouth.  

You do not have to wear gloves.  Studies have shown that people who do not wear gloves have better sanitization habits that those who do wear gloves. It appears that wearing gloves give you a false sense you are being protected.  Studies have shown that people who do not wear gloves wash their hands more often and use hand sanitizer when they are out and about.  Protecting themselves more.

When you come to the front door of the clinic there will be a tissue that you can take and use to touch the door numbers and handle. 

Don’t spray  sanitizer directly onto the door numbers, its electrical, I’m afraid is might mess up the lock.   Know that the lock will be sanitized constantly.  

Then throw away the tissue and come inside and wash your hands immediately.

In the  waiting room I have installed a  HEPA air filter that removes 99% of airborne viruses, I have  installed a hands free soap dispenser in the bathrooms, 

Before we start your session Temperatures will be taken with a non-contact forehead thermometer. Anyone showing signs of fever or illness will be asked to reschedule their visit.

Text me ahead of time if you are not sure if you are experiencing symptoms.  

Do not come to the clinic if you have a fever, or cough.

If you have had a fever I cannot see you until at least 7 days after the fever has broken.

To this date No active patients  ( from the last 4 months) have been diagnosed With Covid-19. 

Lastly I heard a funny thing in Whole foods the other day.  A woman approached the person who was trying to man the checkout line and keep it orderly and moving.  She asks very loudly and clearly annoyed “ WAS THERE AN EXPRESS LANE”?.  Both I an my cashier looked in her direction, totally taken back by the question and then we looked back to each other and I said to my cashier “ I don’t think there will ever be an EXPRESS LANE AGAIN!!!!


I also just realized that I’m not going to be able to wear lipstick for 18 months.  :(( 

Be Safe, Take Care of yourself and take care of others…
